Aldar Marinas | UAE
Our Marinas

Discover our exquisite marinas across Abu Dhabi

Al Bandar Marina

A lively residential marina set in a stunning location in Raha Creek, Abu Dhabi, fringed by several restaurants and striking buildings.

Marsa Al Bateen East Marina

A peaceful and private marina in the heart of Abu Dhabi City. It is in close proximity to some of the most famous stores and restaurants in the region, covering a wide range of needs for visiting or annual berthing of larger boats up to 35 meters.

Marsa Al Bateen West Marina

Carrying a glorious cultural heritage, one with the most historic significance in Abu Dhabi, this small fishing and cruising boat marina comprises of 347 berths for private berthing

Marsa Al Bateen Drystack

The one and only Dry Stack in all of the UAE, offering complete protection of your vessel from all kinds of weather conditions and full valet service, set right in middle of the most accessible corner of Abu Dhabi city.

A lively residential marina set in a stunning location in Raha Creek, Abu Dhabi, fringed by several restaurants and striking buildings.
A peaceful and private marina in the heart of Abu Dhabi City. It is in close proximity to some of the most famous stores and restaurants in the region, covering a wide range of needs for visiting or annual berthing of larger boats up to 35 meters.
Carrying a glorious cultural heritage, one with the most historic significance in Abu Dhabi, this small fishing and cruising boat marina comprises of 347 berths for private berthing
The one and only Dry Stack in all of the UAE, offering complete protection of your vessel from all kinds of weather conditions and full valet service, set right in middle of the most accessible corner of Abu Dhabi city.
Bespoke Berthing

A variety of berthing options tailored to individual needs.

Drystack Membership

The ultimate and comprehensive boat protection practice for dry berthing, with a full range of services, this seamless option will ensure the boat’s condition is maintained, thus increasing its lifespan.

Wet Berths

Standard wet-based berthing for various sizes and types of boats, ensures the full safety of the vessel while in the water.

Visitors Berthing

Short-term berthing in our marinas, for the ones who cannot commit to a full-year contract or prefer to move around often.

Pick up and drop off

Service available for limited-time berthing and short visits

Commercial Berthing Membership

Suitable for professionals in the marine industry. We can analyse your business needs and suggest the best berthing solution for your commercial activities.

The ultimate and comprehensive boat protection practice for dry berthing, with a full range of services, this seamless option will ensure the boat’s condition is maintained, thus increasing its lifespan.
Standard wet-based berthing for various sizes and types of boats, ensures the full safety of the vessel while in the water.
Short-term berthing in our marinas, for the ones who cannot commit to a full-year contract or prefer to move around often.
Service available for limited-time berthing and short visits
Suitable for professionals in the marine industry. We can analyse your business needs and suggest the best berthing solution for your commercial activities.
About Aldar Marinas

Part of Aldar Hospitality Group, Aldar Marinas offers an excellent choice of 5 marinas under its umbrella.

Terms & Conditions

Defined terms used in this policy shall have the meanings given to them in the boat berthing licence.

1. Environment

1.1. All inshore waterways are a fragile eco-system and their protection is the responsibility of all Licensees who shall bear responsibility to keep the waterway clear of refuse, pollution and excessive engine or music noise.

1.2. The Licensor may refuse berthing to any vessel whose engines or or machinery produce excessive or unreasonable noise or observed environmental pollution.

1.3. All hosepipes must be fitted with trigger nozzles to avoid water wastage during cleaning. Only products stated as ‘environmentally-friendly’ shall be used for cleaning vessels.

1.4. The Licensor may document any perceived abuses of the environment and report them to the concerned Authority.

1.5. No vessel, when manoeuvring in the Marina, shall be navigated by the Licensee at more than 5 knots in the marina basin or in such a manner as to endanger or inconvenience other water users.  The Licensor monitors vessel behaviour and repeated speed/wash violation shall constitute a breach of this Licence.

1.6. Fishing of any type, cleaning of fish, swimming, SCUBA diving, snorkelling, windsurfing, kite-sailing and other water sports are prohibited within the Marina.

1.7. The use of personal watercraft, jet skis and similar water vehicles is prohibited within the marina; except for PWC berth holders arriving and departing their Berths. 

1.8. Marina users shall take all reasonable precautions to prevent pollution to the water.  No toilet effluent, shower water, bilge water, black/greywater holding tanks, washing or other pollutant shall be discharged, thrown overboard, or left anywhere in the Marina.

1.9. No refuse shall be thrown overboard or left in any part of the Marina or disposed of in any way other than in the receptacles provided by the Licensor or by removal from the Marina.

1.10. Disposal of lube oil, engine oil and fuel filters, damaged or old batteries, old paint cans, thinner or solvent bottles and any other hazardous liquids shall the responsibility of the Licensee and disposed of by them off-site.

1.11. Refuse receptacles are provided for personal refuse disposal only.

1.12. If any refuse receptacle is full or under maintenance, it is the Licensee’s responsibility to dispose of waste in alternative locations outside of the Marina.

1.13. Licensees, as pets, are responsible for their pet’s conduct, including the soiling of and/or urinating on walkways within the Marina, and are only permitted access providing they do not cause anxiety, nuisance or inconvenience to other Marina users. Licensees are required to remove unruly pets from the Marina and pay for any clean-up costs.

1.14. No Contaminants shall be disposed of in any part of the Marina.  In the event a Contaminant is released into the water or land at the Marina, the licensee shall:

  • immediately clean up the Contaminant;
  • immediately notify the Licensor and all appropriate Authorities and keep all parties regularly informed of their clean up actions; and without limiting the Licensor’s rights under this Licence, be responsible for all costs, resulting from the release, including clean-up costs and any legal fees, costs or penalties incurred by the Licensor.  

1.15. Portable sanitation devices shall not be emptied into any toilet or lavatory facility at the Marina.


2. Security, Health & Safety

2.1. The Licensee shall at all times be responsible for the proper upkeep, safe condition and maintenance of the Vessel, its gear and equipment, (whether afloat or on shore) and shall maintain it in a good, clean and seaworthy condition and ensure the Vessel is able to navigate under its own power at all times.

2.2. Licensees, their employees, guests and representatives must not act in a way that, in the opinion of the Licensor, may be considered illegal, dangerous, offensive or cause inconvenience to other Marina users.

2.3. All safety equipment stored aboard Vessels (including sufficient personal floating devices) shall be fully operable, accessible and within date at all times.

2.4. Smoking, the igniting of naked flames or the use of any electric motor is prohibited on the fuel dock or in the vicinity of a bunkering yacht.

2.5. The Vessel shall at all times be berthed in a seamanlike manner. It is the Licensee’s responsibility to provide and maintain all necessary mooring lines and fenders adequate to withstand all foreseeable weather conditions.

2.6. Electrical cables from service units to Vessels shall be securely laid and not cross any thoroughfare such that they create a trip hazard or risk water ingress.

2.7. Modification of any electrical equipment belonging to the Licensor is prohibited.  This includes, but is not limited to, the electrical bollards, breakers and fuses that serve each Berth.

2.8. Any observed abuses of alcohol or illicit substances will be treated severely, given the potential danger that exists in a marine environment, and the appropriate Authorities will be immediately informed.

2.9. All Vessels must be fully maintained by the Owners and Vessels over twenty-four (24) metres LOA must have a designated crew allocated for regular upkeep and emergency contact, in line with Applicable Law.  This person(s) shall be available to attend to the Vessel needs within one (1) hour of contact by the Licensor in the event of an emergency.

2.10. All Vessels approaching the Marina are encouraged to contact the Marina on either VHF or phone, to indicate their imminent arrival and berthing requirements.

2.11. The use of fairways and Berth channels shall be for the purpose of entering or leaving Berths only.  All Vessels with engines shall use engines for propulsion within the Marina waters.  The maximum speed in marina waters shall be steerage speed.

2.12. Excessive Vessel wash can damage boats, property and persons, and transgressors will be penalised for inconsiderate behaviour or pilotage.


3. Marina Access and Incidents

3.1. In the event of an accident or collision, the Licensor may inform the Police and Coastguard Authorities, and conduct a full written investigation, so that appropriate evidence may be supplied to insurance companies of the parties involved.

3.2. No illegal or immoral activities or physical or verbal abuse shall be undertaken or tolerated at the Marina.  Any party guilty of such behaviour will be will in breach of this Licence and reported to the Police.

3.3. The Licensor may

  • exclude, either temporarily or permanently, Licensees, employees, agents or representatives from the Marina, if such persons are believed to have been involved with or displayed inappropriate behaviour;
  • may deny access to ex-employees of the Licensor whose employment was terminated, for a period up to six (6) months following the termination date;
  • deny access to the Marina to any persons considered a threat to health, safety and security of staff or property, and shall publish notices to this affect at such time that a situation arises;
  • may, for limited periods of time, restrict all vessel movement within the waterway, for safety, security or promotional purposes.  If feasible, the Licensor will provide at least one weeks’ prior notice;
  • may at its sole discretion restrict access to the Marina by cancelling or suspending access card usage.  This may be done without prior notification to the Licensee for reasons of health, safety and security, or due to breach of Berthing Licence;
  • may feature the Marina and everything contained within in its own promotional material, in whatever medium that takes.  This may include docks, vessels and people. The Licensor will attempt to notify the Licensee of any Vessel to be featured in advance; and
  • may require any repair or maintenance work to cease if it considers that the work is causing damage, inconvenience, nuisance or a health and safety risk to the Marina, to marina users, or to persons residing in the vicinity.

3.4. Commercial photography or filming to be used for promotional purposes or the presence of the media reporters or photographers is strictly forbidden without written authority from the Licensor.

3.5. The Licensor may at any time carry out works on or within the Marina and will endeavour to give Licensees sufficient advance notice.  The Licensor may relocate Vessels if their presence poses a risk to persons or property during any such works undertaken.

3.6. Use of any berth by the Licensee other than the Berth for any non-emergency purpose is prohibited.

3.7. The Licensor may access the dock boxes to effect repairs thereon or if, in the sole discretion of the Licensor, such entry is necessary for the safety of the Marina or vessels.

3.8. The Licensor may at any time board the Vessel and carry out at the Licensor’s cost and risk, any work that the Licensor reasonably considers necessary for the safety of the Vessel, Marina or any other vessels.

3.9. The Licensor shall take all reasonable steps to maintain security at the Marina, and to maintain the Marina and its facilities are in good working order.

3.10. In the absence of negligence or breach of duty on the part of the Licensor, Vessels, gear, equipment and other goods are left at he Marina at the Licensee's risk and all Marina users shall ensure that they have appropriate insurance in place for these items.

3.11. The Licensor reserves the right to board, re-position and/or relocate the Vessel in certain circumstances, particularly where a risk is posed to the safety of people, property or the environment by the Vessel or to the Vessel by its immediate surroundings. This includes relocation due to non-payment of any amount under this Licence. Where the Licensor has to relocate a Vessel due to owner negligence, the relocation shall be at the Licensee’s cost.

3.12. The Licensor may install and monitor the Marina and waterway with CCTV, which may be linked to the local Authorities at their request.


4. External Contractors and Guests

4.1. No excluded guests shall be granted access to the Marina.

4.2. All Licensor guests of any kind must register on arrival at the Marina to gain access and provide such forms of identification as the Licensor may request from time to time.  Access to the Marina will only be granted upon signature of a waiver of liability in favour of the Licensor.

4.3. Any contractor appointed by the Licensee to undertake works on the Vessel in the Marina must notify the Licensor in advance of their arrival and provide appropriate proof of third-party liability insurance with a limit of not less than AED 2,000,000.  The policy must include a waiver of subrogation and/or a hold harmless provision in favour of the Marina, the Licensor and its employees, managers, directors and/or owners.

4.4. Contractors must apply for a Work Permit in advance of undertaking any works on the Vessel. Work Permits and contractor IDs are provided by the Licensor on receipt of a copy of the Licensor trading Licence, evidence of third-party liability insurance, provision of a personal ID and Licensor authorisation. If work involves the application of heat, the contractor must hold a valid hot works permit. 

4.5. All contractors appointed by the Licensee must comply with the Licensor policies whilst at the Marina, shall obtain a Work Permit on arrival at the Marina, and return their contractor ID prior to departure.

4.6. All contractors are responsible for the disposal of any packaging and surplus material and must remove such items from the Marina at their time of exit.

4.7. Repairs authorized and carried out while the Vessel is berthed at the Marina shall only include operations that do not result in pollution of the water or air; do not cause danger or a level of noise that will disturb other Marina users or persons residing in the vicinity; and do not cause damage to the Marina structures or to other vessels.

4.8. The Licensor may verify the standard of any works carried out by contractors on its behalf, or following appointment by a Licensee, and to ensure the working environment is left in the same standard of cleanliness and repair as prior to the contractor’s arrival. 

4.9. Where any cleaning or maintenance works are required as a result of a contractor’s works, these shall be undertaken at the Licensee’s cost.

4.10. The Licensor may apply fines to Licensees and restrict access to contractors in the event of facility abuse, including, but not limited to, the creation of damage, spillage, non-removal of waste materials, water pollution and other environmental hazards. 

4.11. The Licensor will not admit prospective buyers to view any vessel that is listed for sale, in the absence of the Licensee or their nominated representative. 

4.12. Guests of the Licensee may access the Marina freely while accompanied by the Licensee.  Unaccompanied guests must have an authorized membership, or a crew pass issued by the Marina with the authority of the Licensee.


5. Conduct – Vessels

5.1. The Licensee shall inform the Licensor on each occasion that the Vessel leaves the Marina.

5.2. The Licensee may provide a duplicate set of Vessel keys to the Licensor any written instructions where ‘dead-ship’ removal is required.

5.3. Vessels shall not be moored, sailed or maneuverered in such a way as to create a danger, obstacle or inconvenience to other Marina users.

5.4. Supplies, materials, accessories, equipment or gear of any kind may not be stored on the dock in the Marina except in approved dock boxes, if available. Only dock boxes or storage cabinets approved by the Licensor in writing may be installed. No other installations are allowed and any removal of unauthorised items will be at the Licensee’s cost.

5.5. Vessels shall refuel, including by portable canister, only at the designated fuelling berth and Licensees must follow all instructions issued by the Licensor relating to refuelling.

5.6. All electrical connections made to the Marina electrical assets must be approved, weatherproof, include a ground fault interceptor and be grounded. Wiring must be of sufficient amperage for its use as specified by the applicable electrical code. Undersized power cords will be disconnected by Marina personnel. Power cords may not cross walkways nor be affixed or secured to docks.

5.7. Temporary, removable and non-affixed dock steps may be placed on the pontoon, with the Licensor’s prior approval, but shall be no wider than one-half of the width of the pontoon finger and no longer than 1.5 meters. The Licensee shall not attach, affix or install any other objects or materials to the pontoons.

5.8. No portion of the Vessel shall extend, overhang or obstruct the walkway or fairway at any time (e.g., bowsprit, plank, yardarm, bow pulpit, passerelle, swim step, anchor, etc.).

5.9. Halyards shall be secured to eliminate noise.

5.10. All water hoses, electrical cords and dock line tails shall be stowed aboard the Vessel when not in use to minimize tripping hazards on the pontoons. 

5.11. The Licensee agrees to keep the pontoon(s) adjacent to their Vessel free of debris at all times. The Licensor reserves the right to remove, store, or dispose of any materials left on the pontoon, at the Licensee’s expense. 

5.12. Bilges shall not be pumped out in the Marina unless in emergency situations (i.e. risk of Vessel sinking). Any costs associated with rectifying environmental damage directly caused by the Vessel shall be borne by the Licensee. 

5.13. Drying or airing of laundry, towels, personal clothing, linen or apparel on the pontoons, the rigging of a vessel or otherwise in plain sight, is prohibited while berthed in the Marina, with the exception of sails for drying purposes, which should be well secured. 

5.14. No work shall be done on a Vessel, gear, equipment or other goods while at the Marina without the Licensor's prior written consent, excepting minor running repairs or maintenance of a routine nature by the Licensee, their regular crew or family member.

5.15. All sanding, painting, welding or fabrication work involving power tools must be carried out at the allotted maintenance berth and may only be carried out with prior approval from the Licensor and subject to obtaining a valid Hot Works Permit.

5.16. The supply and issuance of all electrical and water connections from a Vessel to Marina property are the responsibility of the Licensee. The Licensor makes no claim as to the suitability of the standard utilities provided for any specific Vessel. It is the Licensee’s responsibility to ensure their Vessel requirements and connectivity is sufficient for receiving supply.

5.17. No advertising banners or boards shall be erected within the Marina or on the Vessel, without prior approval from the Licensor. Any advertising displayed must follow the Licensor content and size guidelines.

5.18. Vessel engines shall be kept in a good state of repair to negate fuel or oil leakage.

5.19. Vessels shall not run auxiliary generators, other than for maintenance purposes. Use of a generator for maintenance purposes is permitted between 1100 to 1200 hours, and 1600 to 1700 hours.

5.20. A minimum of five mooring lines (2 x stern, 1 x bow and 2 x spring) shall secure the Vessel at all times and be of standard size being no less than three strand rope of an adequate diameter for securing the Vessel. Adequate rubber fenders shall also be used to protect the vessel.

5.21. The Licensor may charge the Licensee for replacement or additional warps, fenders or other mooring equipment supplied by the Licensor as required for the safety of the Vessel.

5.22. The Vessel must at all times be kept externally clean and seaworthy. The Licensor may clean hull and superstructure at the Licensee’s expense if deemed by the Licensor to be substandard.

5.23. Radar operation within the Marina shall be limited to repair/service purposes which shall only be conducted with prior approval by the Licensor.

5.24. A Vessel’s tender, gear, equipment, stores, inflatable vessels and all other small water craft, when not in immediate use, shall be kept on the Vessel. Items shall not be left on the pontoons or anywhere else on the Marina unless in a designated storage place or within a separate berth allocated by the Licensor.

5.25. Dinghies shall not be kept in the Vessel’s berth. Dinghies, tenders or other floating implements (unless they are stored aboard the Vessel) shall be clearly marked with the name of the Vessel and are not allowed on the pontoons or walkways. 

5.26. White goods are not to be stored or installed in eyesight of the dock onboard the Vessel. 

5.27. Temporary BBQs are not to be set on the dock. The Licensee shall be liable for any remedial work required if any accident from white goods or cooking equipment damages Marina property. 


6. Fire Safety

6.1. Berth holders shall not allow the Vessel to be used, maintained or neglected so as to create a fire hazard.

6.2. All vessels shall have suitable fire extinguishing equipment manufactured to EN3 standards for portable fire extinguishers, stored permanently on-board and suitable for the size and type of the Vessel.

6.3. Fire safety equipment shall at all times be in good and safe working order, and kept ready for immediate use.

6.4. Fire safety equipment shall be made available for inspection by the Licensor upon demand. Should any fire safety equipment be defective, the berth holder must replace the equipment immediately.

6.5. Vessels equipped with liquid propane gas (LPG) for cooking or any other use must be equipped with a functioning solenoid or a warning indicator for detecting LPG leaks.

6.6. Additional fuel and combustible materials are not to be stored on-board the Vessel unless authorised by the Licensor.

6.7. No explosives or firearms shall be stored on the Vessel at any time with the exception of regulatory emergency flares and signals.

6.8. Gas bottles shall be closed off at the bottle when not in use.

6.9. Vessel crews, and owners, shall participate in Marina fire awareness training and role plays, when available.


7. Conduct - Persons

7.1. All Licensor employees, contractors and private vessel staff must have official crew access cards and keep their up to date contact details, passport copies and professional qualifications recorded with the Licensor. When on duty, Vessel staff shall wear upper garments branded with the Licencee and/or Vessel name.

7.2. Crew may not shower, cook, clean fish, eat or congregate on the pontoons or by gateways. 

7.3. Music emitted through external speakers must not encroach on the enjoyment of others, and the Licensor reserves the right to force vessels or persons creating noise disturbance to cease offending behaviour.

7.4. Licensees and / or crew may not live aboard the Vessel for more than five (5) days consecutively, or fifteen (15) nights in any given month, without written permission from the Licensor.

7.5. The Licensee shall notify the Licensor of any unsafe or hazardous conditions that come to their attention.

7.6. Disorderly or indecorous conduct by any Licensee or their guests that might cause harm to any other person, damage property, disturb the peace, or harm the reputation of the Licensor, is prohibited.

7.7. Bicycles, skateboards, roller skates/blades and other wheeled vehicles (other than wheel-chairs) may not be ridden on the pontoons recklessly or by those under eighteen (18) years of age. 

7.8. Bicycles, baby carriages, strollers, etc., may be walked onto the pontoons to/from the Vessel and shall be stored on board the Vessel or in allotted parking bays. Leaving such items on the dock may not only cause an obstruction, but may cause loss or damage to the item.

7.9. Social gatherings and parties are encouraged, providing the following observations are upheld:

  • Music and/or noise levels do not negatively affect any other Marina user.
  • BBQ or similar cooking is carried out on the Vessel, not the dockside.
  • Guests moderate their behavior so as not to offend or inconvenience any other Marina user or observer.
  • Washrooms are used appropriately and as the sole solution for comfort breaks.
  • All items of this Licence are observed and upheld, including restriction on swimming in the Marina.
  • Refuse is appropriately separated and disposed of in recycling bins onsite. No waste should be thrown or dropped into the Marina waters, and this includes cigarette butts.
  • If the Licensee’s party is liable to transgress any of these points, they are encouraged to take their Vessel out of the Marina for the duration of the event.

7.10. The Licensor does not accept telephone messages for boaters except in cases of life-threatening emergency. The Licensor is not responsible for receipt or delivery of any mail addressed to the Licensee at the Licensor’s address.


8. Transfers of People & Vessels

8.1. If the Licensor offers transfer services for persons and belongings or equipment, whether by club car or waterborne means, these services are offered as benefits to the registered Licensor and their guests and are not a right of contract and are subject to availability.

8.2. Transfer services are restricted to the Licensee, their representatives and guests only. Yacht crew, contractors and guests of commercial charters are not eligible to receive this benefit.

8.3. Emergency towing (if availability permits such operation), is a chargeable service, depending on duration and distance.

8.4. The Licensor shall not be under any duty of care to salvage or preserve a Vessel or other property from the consequences of any defect in the Vessel or other Licensee property, unless it has been expressly engaged to do so by the Licensee on commercial terms.

8.5. The Licensor shall not be under any duty of care to salvage or preserve the Vessel or other Licensee property from the consequences of an accident for which the Licensor is not responsible. 

8.6. If a Licensee requests Licensor staff to pilot their Vessel, this relieves the Licensor of liability in the event of any insurance claim, as the pilot, shall be considered to be covered under the Licensee’s insurance policy.


9. Vehicles and Car Park Use

9.1. All vehicles parked at the Marina are left entirely at the Licensee’s (or their guest or contractor’s) risk, shall only be parked in allotted spaces and shall not obstruct any other vehicle, emergency or pedestrian thoroughfares.

9.2. If a vehicle is to be left for more than forty-eight 48 hours, the following details shall be provided to the Marina:

  • Vehicle details and contact of local agent if owner away from country on the waiver form provided.
  • Copy of vehicle registration. 
  • Copy of owner/driver driving licence.
  • Vehicle key.

9.3. Vehicles entering the Marina shall not display any signage regarding items, including the vehicle, for sale.

9.4. Vehicles entering or parked at the Marina shall be legally registered, insured, undamaged and aesthetically clean.

9.5. Vehicle covers are allowed, but do not absolve the owner from complying with any aspect of this Paragraph.

9.6. Trailers, with or without vessels on, are only allowed access to the Marina with prior permission from the Licensor and shall comply with the provision of this Paragraph.  Charges for entry may apply.

9.7. The servicing / cleaning of vehicles or Vessels in the car park is forbidden‎; including, but not limited to, oil changes, engine flushing, painting, use of electric equipment, bodywork or washing. The Licensor may apply fines where this provision is disregarded.

9.8. Vehicles driven in a manner contravening displayed speed limits, national Highway Code or in a dangerous or inconvenient manner to pedestrians or other vehicles will be subject to Paragraph 9.9 below.

9.9. The Marina may enforce the following provisions where the provisions of this Paragraph are not adhered to:

  • Right of refused entry to the Marina, on a single occasion or for a set period of time.
  • Vehicle clamped with fees applied for release.
  • Reporting rights to the Authorities for Vehicle removal, with no redress against the Licensor for any subsequent cost incurred by the vehicle owner.


10. Dry Stack Operation

10.1. Dry stack hangars are restricted areas due to risk of injury and entry is only permitted when accompanied by a member of staff and the wearing of designated protective apparel.

10.2. Licensees may request access to their Vessel in line with the published lifting policy, usually upon a 24-hour notice. 

10.3. For urgent lifts, additional premiums may apply.

10.4. There is no provision for trailer storage, other than standard rental spaces.

10.5. Vessel maintenance is not permitted within the hangar or immediate car parking facility.

10.6. All vessels must be insured, and the Licensor specified as co-insured on the policy.

10.7. Fuelling, battery charging, or the use of electrical machines is forbidden in the hangar area.

10.8. The Licensor publishes the schedule of services included in the dry stack berthing contract, the frequency of lifts included in the contract and also the additional services available for extra charge.

10.9. The Licensee indemnifies the Licensor, its officers and staff for any incidental damage occurring to the Vessel during any routine launch and recovery process. 

10.10. Vessels may only be accessed at ground level through the standard removal of vessel by forklift. At no point may any person climb the racking.

10.11. Vessels removed by forklift and not immediately placed onto a ground trailer or the water may be subject to holding fees.

10.12. The Licensor may not allow vessel mobilisation in the event of non-payment of dues.

10.13. While the Licensor performs routine inspections on all vessels, the Licensee indemnifies the Licensor for the physical state of their Vessel and agrees that the Licensor shall not be liable for Vessel batteries or systems that have not been attended to.

10.14. Vessels will be stored according to their weight, dimensions and frequency of usage. The Licensor reserves the right to change the vessel location in the rack storage at its own discretion and without notification or recourse to the Licensee.

10.15. The Licensor bears no responsibility for the security of personal effects left in the Vessel, and owners are encouraged not to leave any valuables or prized equipment items of any nature.

10.16. Vessels may be left in the water at the holding dock for a maximum of 24 hours between uses. Over a total period of 48 hours since launching, the Vessel will be re-stored or berthing charges may be applied if the Licensee requires the Vessel to stay in the water.

10.17. Vessel covers are recommended to protect the Vessel interiors and ensure longevity of interior fixtures and furnishings.

10.18. When availing of a fuelling service, prepayment of fuel is required, either by cash, standard House Bank credit application or the supply of an accepted fuel card.

10.19. All Dry Stack users are subject to the same standard terms and conditions as other Marina and wet berth users, including payment terms and contract cancellation.

10.20. The Licensor will endeavour to satisfy the Licensee’s requested Vessel pick-up time, provided the Licensee has satisfied all time and contractual requirements. If the requested pick-up time is not feasible, or there is an observed issue with the Vessel, the Licensee will be informed prior.

10.21. The Dry Stack operating hours is subject to the Licensor’s discretion and may alter as per operational requirement.

10.22. The Licensee releases the Licensor from obligation and liability of damage or loss to vessel or business continuity in the event vessel launching or recovery cannot be undertaken due to circumstances out of their control, including, but not limited to, mechanical failure, weather conditions, staff illness, etc.


11. Dry Berth operations

11.1. Operating Hours:  6:00 AM ~ 11:00 PM.

11.2. Dry berth vessel parking is only available to registered members, and accessed through activated access cards.

11.3. Member registration is available through the marina office, and on condition of supplying such documentation and payment as the Licensor requires.

11.4. Licensee in default of this Licence will have access card privileges disabled until the default is remedied.

11.5. The Licensee shall comply with the direction of the staff of the Marina while using the slipway.

11.6. Persons are prohibited from travelling on moving trailers.

11.7. The Licensor impose such conditions at their own discretion, if the Vessel, launching vehicle, trailer or persons operating is believed to pose a risk to persons, property or contravene any provisions herein.

11.8. The Licensee shall be liable and responsible for the consequences of behaviour, actions and work practices of the Vessel’s staff, agents and contractors on or about the Vessel and recovery vehicle, while the Vessel, agents and/or recovery vehicle is using the facility.

11.9. No maintenance or improvement works of any kind may be performed by the Licensee or agent under their representation on any vessel or vehicle at the Vessel storage facility. Prohibited works include oil changing, decorative fitting installation, painting, etc.

11.10. Under no circumstances will any licensee, or agent employed by the Licensee be permitted to enter or loiter around any other vessel apart from that to which they are assigned.

11.11. Appropriate protective equipment and footwear must be worn at all times when launching the Vessel.

11.12. The Licensee, their agents and guests, shall not discharge any Contaminants into water, onto land or into air or adjacent to the  Berth.

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